Construction Risk Advisory​

"Our firm is committed to delivering prompt and precise commercial guidance and support to all participants within the construction sector."

Our construction risk advisory services includes:

Perhaps you are tendering a project with an unfamiliar contract and require an independent analysis of the commercial risks before execution.

Our expertise encompasses assessing commercial risks across various contract types, such as RIAI, Public Works Contract Ireland, JCT, NEC, and FIDIC conditions, as well as examining custom agreements.

Independent Review of Project Costs

Have you appointed a construction manager to manage the project and act as your agent, issue instructions, make decisions and prepare certification? Perhaps the construction manager's fee is based on time expended, and you need an independent review of costs and time expended?

In this scenario, we can provide resources to review the books and records and consider whether those costs have been reasonably and necessarily incurred.

Programme Analysis

We can assist with a review of progress on site, whether prospectively or retrospectively see our Programme Analysis services.

Recovery of Construction Debt

Recovery of construction debt could include assisting you in substantiating a variation account to seek to maximise your recovery.

You could be a Liquidator or Receiver of a construction-related company. The Statement of Affairs indicates a substantial construction debt owing to the company, and you need assistance in recovering that debt. In this scenario, the construction contract has often been determined, and the employer has produced a termination value far more than the remaining construction debt. You will need specialist assistance seeking to establish that the costs are overstated. 

Often this requires the matter to be referred to a third party, be that a Conciliation or Adjudication. We can assist you with this.